
lmao ayy


See Illustrated Story


In the dawn of time, there was a magnificent planet. One full of beautiful trees and other plants. There were spectacular creatures of all shapes and sizes. This planet was named Earth.

But after a while, humans, through pollution and pure stupidity, screwed things up. The air was full of smog and the rivers, a brown-green goop.This was due to a company named T.R.O.G.S.

During these terrible times brilliant scientist named Rick emerged. He realized that the planet he lived on was doomed, so he assembled a team of specialists to make it on their own on a new planet (one of which is Steve Buscemi). Rick built a layer under his garage which he used to plan his voyage and harbor his team.

Rick, throughout his experiments often accidentally shrunk himself while trying to shrink all of the supplies they needed to fit in his space ship.
But finally Rick managed to perfect his shrink ray and was able to fit all of the supplies they needed into the ship. A couple days later, they left Earth.

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