Blizzy’s Exodus

Blizzy’s Exodus


Once there was a thriving planet called Snowasia in Iceez Galaxy. It formed when a flying ball of ice collided with the sun. There was darkness at first, and then an amazing planet appeared surrounded by light. There were dazzling ice caves and ice-covered ponds everywhere in Snowasia. Trees were frozen in ice, and snow was always falling from the puffy clouds in the stunning orange sky. At night bright yellow stars were scattered throughout the pitch black sky. There were several planets that surrounded Snowasia, but not a single one was quite as remarkable. Snowasia was considered the most peaceful, serene planet in the universe. It was extraordinary.


Soon after the development of the new planet, things began to go awry. There were several troll-like creatures called Trogs that were living on Snowasia. They were the first creatures to inhabit on the planet. One day the Trogs decided to go hang out in their lab. One Trog started looking for a plant-growing potion when he found an unlabeled flask in the back of a cabinet. He showed it to all the other Trogs, and they all wanted to try it out and see what it would do. They poured a small amount of the mysterious potion onto the ice. For a few seconds, nothing happened. Then, the ground started to shake. A large volcano rose up from the ground. Lava began to erupt from the volcano. It flowed down the volcano slowly at first, gradually increasing in speed. The lava starting melting small sections of ice, and water-filled cracks formed all over the planet. Ice-covered trees melted and caught on fire. Smoke filled the sky, creating a dark haze above the land. Snowasia became chaotic, and the patches of ice continued to shrink and turn to water. The planet was slowly being destroyed.


The Trogs, as well as the other creatures on the planet, were unsure of what to do or where to go. Creatures who once lived in harmony on Snowasia went crazy. Their home was slowly shrinking. Bird-like creatures seeked shelter in trees, while land dwelling animals looked for shelter on the existing patches of ice. Panic spread and people lost all their existing hope. Everyone felt as though the world was ending. They struggled to perform simple tasks such as eating and sleeping because of the overwhelming anxiety that had taken over. No one thought that they could find a solution to the problem.


One young girl named Blizzy Snow grew tired of the chaotic state of the planet. Blizzy had always been interested in science, but no one on her planet saw the importance of it. She built a small hideaway deep in the remaining ice. It was constructed in the shape of a semicircle, and had three rooms. The biggest room was her science lab, but she also had a small living room and a room with a map of planets she discovered. She jumped into her gravity tube and entered her hideaway. First, she went up to her science lab. She looked through her telescope, gazing out into the universe. She was searching for a new planet to call home. The only other people that knew about Blizzy’s hidden lab were her uncle and her best friend. They were the only people on her planet that shared her interest in science, especially astronomy. Things started to look bleak. Blizzy couldn’t find any other inhabitable planet. Finally, after 6 months of searching, Blizzy saw a small celestial object off in the distance. She focused her telescope on it, and realized it was a planet. She looked closer, and realized that there was water! She observed the planet for a few more minutes and she discovered some lights. The planet had some other creatures on it. This meant that it would probably be inhabitable. She decided she would have to take her uncle and her best friend with her. They were both trustworthy, intelligent, and hardworking. She called them up to look through the telescope, and they all rejoiced. They would have to leave soon, before Snowasia melted completely.


Blizzy’s rocket was amazing. She bought the best materials she could find and started constructing her rocket. Using her limited knowledge of rocketry, she constructed the rocket using a simple design. She painted it using vibrant blues and purples, as well as neutral grays. It was powered by lava rocks, which were plentiful in Snowasia after the volcano had formed. After several weeks, it was finally completed with the help of her crew. She was ready to go.


Blizzy and her crew finally left for the new planet. Before they left, all of the remaining creatures in Snowasia gathered around them and wished them good luck. It was one the most exciting things that ever happened on the usually tranquil Snowasia. They traveled through space for several years in their rocket. They tried their best to stay cheerful throughout the long journey, despite the fact that they were all locked up in a small space for so long. They encountered many dangers on their journey, including black holes, meteors and asteroids. After what seemed like a century, the planet was finally in view. They were all both nervous and excited to see what the planet had in store for them.


The rocket landed on the new planet. All of the crew members were eager to find out what this planet had in store for them. They slowly stepped out, and the crew saw orange heads sticking out of craters in the ground. One by one, the aliens started popping out of the craters. The largest alien came over to them. He asked them why they were on his planet, and they told him that their home planet, Snowasia, had been destroyed. He understood, and told them that this new planet was called Dimensiona. He also said that his name was Blerp. Blerp made them all sign a contract saying that if they wanted to live here, they would have to keep the peace. The planet he had originally lived in, Gonia, had been destroyed by war, greed, and selfishness. He promised them that this planet could only be destroyed by elements beyond his control. The crew signed the contract, and went to their new house. The next day, Blerp and his friends wanted to teach them how to fly. Flying was the main mode of transportation on the planet, so they would have to learn. Blizzy stood looking at Blerp, observing and taking mental notes of every move he made. She repeated his steps exactly. She closed her eyes, stuck out her arms, bent her knees, and jumped. Nothing happened, so she looked at Blerp with confusion. He told her that he had an idea, and would be right back. He flew to his house, grabbed magical flying glitter, and brought it back to Blizzy. He told her to do each step again, so she followed his instructions. While she was doing it, Blerp sprinkled the glitter all over her. He told her to believe that she could fly and she would. She whispered “I believe” and jumped as high as she could. She opened her eyes and realized she was flying! She was amazed by her newfound ability. Her friends learned to fly, and life on the new planet was great.


Blizzy lived happily with her friend and uncle on Dimensiona. Blerp, as well as many of the other aliens living on the planet, taught Blizzy about science and the wonders of the universe. She learned more about science on Dimensiona than she had on Snowasia, and was glad the aliens recognized the importance of science. After 10 years, she knew she had to go back to Snowasia to see what had happened. She reluctantly wished her new friends goodbye and promised them that she would come back. She left for Snowasia, hoping for the best. Once Blizzy arrived at Snowasia, the rocket circled the planet for signs of life. The planet was made up of water and ice chunks were floating around everywhere. When they were about to head back to Dimensiona, Blizzy noticed something yellow. She landed the rocket and saw two creatures standing on a chunk of ice. She swam over to them, and they were glad to see her. The creatures were yellow, bird-like Ariatas. There was a mother Ariata with her baby. Blizzy picked them up, and told them that everything would be ok. She took them into her rocket, and they all left for Dimensiona. Blerp greeted them with glee when the arrived, and noticed the Ariatas. He asked what the were, and she told him that they were the only creatures that had survived on her planet. He allowed the two creatures to live on his planet. They all lived happily together on Dimensiona.




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