Up Up and Away

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Up Up and Away


Up Up and Away

By Nicola Rogers

Millions of years ago there was an explosion  and a planet was born. The planet was named Krypto. Krypto was full of plants and creatures. There were streams flowing and giant flowers everywhere. The purple creatures walked around the planet doing what they pleased. The sun would rise and the creatures would eat the giant flowers and drink from the streams. They would run in the fields and get along. The sun would set and the creatures would fall asleep under the trees.  It was a perfect world but not for long.

A few thousands years later this thing took over. He called himself King Trog. He brought a whole fleet of trogs with him. They looked like pigs crossed with humans. One day I snuck out to see why there was so much pollution in the air and where a beautiful forest once stood I saw factories. There were trogs marching out in a perfectly unified line. I swear they were brainwashed. Then I saw it. A large cage full of the native dinosaurs. I had to run away I couldn’t bare to look at the atrocity any more.


After I saw this I knew I had to leave and find a better planet to live on. I went to my secret hide out where I began to build a spaceship. One night I looked out into the sky and spotted and empty planet. Then I made my plan to go. Within a month I finished my spaceship and gathered all my supplies.I was ready to leave the next day with a doctor, farmer, scientist,chief,veterinarian, and


A surgeon, John Casey, was chosen to be the doctor who would go on the mission to find a new planet.His specialty was cardiac and worked constantly to save people’s life.


When the team of eight landed they were astonished by the planet. They thought it was empty but it held many creatures and wild life. All the people were excited to meet the new people and learn their way of life. They were told that the planet was called Plutnoia


The people were shown around to houses to find a new place to live.  There were many houses but the one that stood out the most was the small house which was able to fly.

The people traded food and learned about the other’s culture. It was an interesting experience for both species and they both grew from it.

10 years later the people went back to their home planet. When they were in their spaceship going back they saw their planet crumbling and splitting in half. they then flew back to Plutonia and loved their lives there.


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