Journey To The Center Of Planet Jimmy Neutron



Illustrated Story


By Hayden Reno


Once upon a time there was a planet that was thriving. It was peaceful and quiet. The sky and the sea was clear, like looking through glass. The ground was soft and dry, like a pillow. The clouds were clean and clear. The sunrise and sunset was the most amazing, beautiful thing ever. Plants are starting to grow. Everything was perfect.

Then 1000 years later, things on planet jimmy neutron went wrong. There was winds that were fast and strong. These winds were caused by trogs, which look like disgusting gooey aliens. They can make strong winds by blowing air through their mouth and cause lots of destruction everywhere on the planet. Trogs travel from planet to planet, destroying each one because their planet was destroyed by other aliens. Jimmy neutron turned gray and the sun was not seen for many years. Everything and almost everyone was demolished.

A lone survivalist uses his instincts to find the safest place possible to hide in. Before all of this, he practiced surviving in isolated areas for weeks because it was challenging and it . He finds the closest shelter near him; a sewer. The sewer seems to be not functioning anymore, which is perfect to hide in. He finds other people in need of help that include a doctor, scientist, celebrity, and a psychiatrist. They plan an escape plan to another planet called Zorf. They leave the sewer every so often to find supplies and resources to prepare them for their journey.

They took off in their spaceship that they made out of scrap metal and old paint. It took them half a year to make it, but it was finally finished. They took off through the stars, hoping to find a better and more peaceful planet to live on.

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